3D 실리콘 로고 스크린 인쇄 잉크

3D 실리콘 로고 스크린 인쇄 잉크

MA 시리즈 실리콘 실크 스크린 인쇄 잉크 화학 안전 보건 자료(MSDS) 파트 II 위험 개요 위험 범주: 위험 수준: 급성 독성 - 경구: 범주 4 피부 부식/자극: 범주
모델 번호.MA 시리즈
등록 상표모넬
HS 코드3215110010
생산 능력5000톤
제품 설명

3D Silicone Logo Screen Printing Ink

MA 시리즈 실리콘 실크 스크린 인쇄 잉크
화학 물질 안전 보건 자료(MSDS)
파트 II 위험 개요
위험 카테고리:
위험 수준: 급성 독성 - 경구: 구분 4
피부 부식성/자극성: 구분 2
심한 눈 손상/눈 자극성: 구분 2A
피부 알레르기: 카테고리 1
수질 환경에 대한 만성 위험: 구분 2
위험 표시 및 예방 지침:

빌보드: 경고
위험 수준 설명: H315는 피부 자극을 유발합니다.
H319 눈에 심한 자극을 일으킴
H411 ​​수생생물에 대한 장기적, 지속적인 유해성
P261 분진·연기·가스·연기·증기·스프레이를 흡입하지 마시오.
P264 작업 완료 후 깨끗이 정리해주세요
P270 이 제품을 사용할 때에는 먹거나 마시거나 흡연하지 마십시오
P272 오염된 작업복을 작업장 밖으로 반출하지 마시오
P273 누출 방지
P280 보호장갑·의복·고글·방독면을 착용하시오
P301 + P312 삼켰을 경우 즉시 응급실에 연락하고 치료를 받으십시오.
P302 + P352 피부 오염: 비누와 물로 충분히 씻으시오.
P305+P351+P338 눈에 들어갔을 때: 다량의 물로 몇 분간 씻어내십시오. 편리하시다면 먼저 콘택트렌즈를 빼시고 계속해서 헹궈주세요
P330 입을 헹구다
P332+P313 피부 자극: 의학적인 조치·조언을 구하시오
P333+P313 피부 자극 또는 발진이 나타나면 의학적인 조치·조언을 따르십시오.
P362 오염된 의복은 벗고 사용 전 깨끗이 청소하세요
P391 유출물을 수집하시오
보관 : 데이터 없음
폐기: P501 폐기물 용기를 다음 장소에 두십시오…
파트 III 구성/구성 정보
최고 품질의 혼합물 √
유해성분콘텐츠CAS(화학물질 요약 색인 등록) 번호
실리콘 오일1-5%

제4부 응급조치
질문이나 증상이 지속되면 의료 지원을 받으십시오.
피부에 접촉했을 때: 다량의 물로 피부를 헹구십시오.
눈에 들어갔을 때: 즉시 다량의 물로 최소 15분 동안 눈을 씻어내고 의사의 진료를 받으십시오.
흡입: 즉시 환자를 신선한 공기가 있는 곳으로 옮기십시오. 호흡이 멈추면 인공호흡을 실시하십시오. 호흡이 곤란하면 산소를 공급하고 의사의 진료를 받으십시오.
섭취: 구토를 유도하지 마십시오. 즉시 물 2잔을 주십시오. 부상자가 의식을 잃으면 입으로 아무것도 먹지 마십시오. 의사의 진료를 받으십시오.11mg/LbrInhalation in rats(1h)LC50:>10.7mg/LbrPercutaneous absorption in rabbits LD50:>2,250mg/kgbrRat oral LD50:8,191mg/kgbrSubacute and chronic toxicity: Repeated inhalation toxicity in animals includes reduced weight gain, decreased absolute and relative weight of the liver, and degeneration of the epithelium of the olfactory organ (tissue of the nose). The toxicity of repeated ingestion in animals includes weight loss, but no pathological changes were found.brIrritation: This mixture is a mild skin irritant and a moderate eye irritant.brSensitization: Not an animal skin sensitizing substance.brMutagenicity: Animal experiments or bacterial culture tests do not cause genetic damage, but positive in a mammalian cell culture experiment.brTeratogenicity: Animal experiments have shown that this substance does not cause developmental and reproductive toxicity.brCarcinogenicity: Components in this substance with a concentration equal to or higher than 0.1% are not listed as carcinogens by IARC, NTP, OSHA, or ACGIH.brOther: The experiment of exposure to 60 ppm for 4 hours at a time found that the animal's cornea was turbid and the distance from the cornea to the anterior surface of the lens temporarily increased. An experiment in which 10 uL of this substance was dropped into the eyes of animals after a single exposure showed that this substance caused corneal opacity. Administration of 10-100 uL of a similar mixture causes corneal opacity, temporary thickening, and temporary paralysis of the cornea. An animal experiment with skin exposure of about 60 mg/kg found a temporary increase in the distance from the cornea to the anterior surface of the lens.brPart XII Ecological InformationbrEcotoxicity:brAquatic toxicitybrCyprinidae small fish 96h LC50: 18-24mg/L, moderate toxicity.brDaphnia 48h LC50: 112-150mg/LbrNon Biodegradability:brBioenrichment or bioaccumulation:brOther harmful effects:brPart XIII Waste DisposalbrNature of Waste: Hazardous wastebrWaste disposal method: Waste disposal must comply with the requirements of corresponding provincial/autonomous regional and local regulations. Recycled liquid for reuse or regeneration. Dispose of waste in a licensed incineration plant or biological treatment system.brDisposal precautions: Do not flush water or solid substances into surface water or sanitary water systems.brPart XIV Transportation InformationbrDangerous goods No.: Not listed in the Chinese national standard "Dangerous Goods List" (GB 12268-90), not listed by the United States Department of Transportation (DOT), the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) as dangerous goods.brUN Number:brPackage identification:brPackaging category:brPackaging method: plastic bucketbrTransportation precautions:brPart XV Regulatory InformationbrRegulatory information: Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous ChemicalsbrDetailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals (HLF [1992] No. 677)brRegulations on the Safe Use of Chemicals in the Workplace ([1996] LBF No. 423)brClassification and Marking of Commonly Used Hazardous Chemicals (GB13690-92)brLaw of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Solid Waste PollutionbrGeneral Technical Conditions for Transport Packaging of Dangerous Goods (GB12463-90)brPart XVI Other InformationbrReferences: 1. Workplace Chemical Safety Management, State Economic and Trade Commission Bureau of Work Safety, 2000br2. New Safety Manual for Hazardous Materials, Chemical Industry Press, 2001br3. Complete Book of Safety Technologies for Hazardous Chemicals, Chemical Industry Press, 1997br4. Regulations on the Registration and Administration of Hazardous Chemicals, State Economic and Trade Commission, October 1, 2000brDate of filling: May 2022brFilled by: Shanghai Manci Industrial Co., LtdbrData Reviewed by: Shanghai Manci Industrial Co., Ltd brRevision description: It is revised and compiled in accordance with the Regulations on the Preparation of Chemical Safety Technical Instructions (GB16483-2000).brOther information:brThe information provided in this document is not a product indicator: it does not guarantee a specific nature. The information contained is based on our understanding of the operation, storage, and use of the product and provides general guidance on health and safety. It is not applicable to special or non-standard use of this product and not in accordance with instructions and recommendations.brThe technical information referenced in this document is currently reliable. When other knowledge and experience are gained, they should be revised again.br>

3D Silicone Logo Screen Printing Ink

3D Silicone Logo Screen Printing Ink

3D Silicone Logo Screen Printing Ink

3D Silicone Logo Screen Printing Ink